Come saldare l'alluminio con facilità - Tecnista

How to weld aluminum with ease

Alessandro Dose
The physical-chemical and mechanical characteristics of aluminum make it particularly difficult to weld.Regardless of the league, therefore from t...
Come saldare l'alluminio con facilità - Tecnista

How to weld aluminum with ease

Alessandro Dose
The physical-chemical and mechanical characteristics of aluminum make it particularly difficult to weld.Regardless of the league, therefore from t...
Le lime rotative ovvero le frese con gambo - Tecnista

Rotary files or shank cutters

Alessandro Dose
This product is widely used by welders for removing welding cords and adaptation of holes. However it is advisable to adopt some precautions so th...
Quanto dura una bombola di gas per saldatura - Tecnista

How long is a welding gas cylinder

acciaio inoxAlessandro Dose
What is the duration of a gas cylinder to weld? Crucial question that is often revived at the moment when the buyer is undecided between the purch...
Perché siamo così insistenti sulla protezione della pelle e degli occhi durante la saldatura - Tecnista

Because we are so insistent on the protection of skin and eyes during welding

dpiAlessandro Dose
We still talk about welding protection clothing. Why pay further attention to protection?Because despite the wide dissemination of information con...
Tabelle di spessori, correnti e diametri di elettrodi in tungsteno scelti per la saldatura TIG - Tecnista

Tables of thickness, currents and diameters of tungsten electrodes chosen for TIG welding

amperes tigTommaso Dose
Among the questions most often we feel there are: "What amperage do I have to set for the thickness that I will have to weld in tig?" or "How to c...
Come scegliere il grado di oscuramento DIN della maschera per saldare - Tecnista

How to choose the DIN dimming degree of the weld mask

maschera saldatore come scegliereTommaso Dose
Choose the degree of darkening (also said DIN) of your own welding screen, or even interchangeable glasses for Welder masksNot at all obvious. A p...
La pressione di uscita nel cannello da taglio - Tecnista

The output pressure in the cutting torch

Alessandro Dose
We often come across the problem regarding the correct gas pressure adjustment while using the cutting torch. It is a common belief that the more ...
Perché utilizzare indumenti protettivi specifici per saldatori? - Tecnista

Why use specific protective clothing for welders?

Alessandro Dose
Welding exposes different risks compared to other types of mechanical processing, therefore, clothing must necessarily be different. We note like ...
Gli abrasivi 3M per la pulizia e finitura della saldatura - Tecnista

3M abrasives for cleaning and finishing welding

3mAlessandro Dose
It is not a secret that 3M is a brand to which we keep us a lot and perhaps what we are most often.This is essentially due to the fact that their i...
Il Fit Test dei D.P.I. (dispositivi di protezione individuale) normativa CEE 89/656 - Tecnista

The Fit Test of D.p.i. (individual protection devices) EEC standard 89/656

Alessandro Dose
The legislation providing for the FIT test of D.P.I. places a particular accent to the needsergonomic AndmorphologicalUser. It is not only importan...
Si può usare argon puro al 100% per saldare a filo (MIG/MAG) ? - Tecnista

Can you use 100% pure argon to weld wire (MIG / MAG)?

Alessandro Dose
Recently this question has been asked by some people and we believe it is appropriate to give a detailed explanation of the answer because we too ...
Incollaggio adesivo: una tecnologia per l'alleggerimento - Tecnista

Adhesive bonding: a technology for lightening

Alessandro Dose
The use of structural adhesives is acquiring greater quotas of use in various industrial sectors and constructions in which the union is requested...
La manutenzione delle apparecchiature collegate a bombole (riduttori di pressione, cannelli, valvole) - Tecnista

Maintenance of gas cylinder connected equipment (pressure reducers, torches, valves)

Alessandro Dose
Is it possible to do maintenance pressure reducers? Of the torches? And valves? The answer is yes! As long as it is carried out by the producer or...