L'importanza del gas protettivo nella saldatura TIG - Tecnista

The importance of protective gas in TIG welding

Alessandro Dose
The thermal welding process must take place in the inert atmosphere, ie in the absence of oxygen molecules that could compromise the correct and c...
L'importanza del gas protettivo nella saldatura TIG - Tecnista

The importance of protective gas in TIG welding

Alessandro Dose
The thermal welding process must take place in the inert atmosphere, ie in the absence of oxygen molecules that could compromise the correct and c...
Valutazioni preliminari per l'identificazione del materiale da saldare - Tecnista

Preliminary evaluations for the identification of the weld material

Alessandro Dose
Request: If we only need stainless steel 304 with a stainless steel with a welding, with which contribution material is it advisable to make the f...
Acquisto di una saldatrice per uso hobbistico - Tecnista

Purchase of a welding machine for hobby use

acquisto saldatriceAlessandro Dose
The purchase of a welding machine for a do-it-yourself use is often a source of perplexity and doubts, the web is full of explanations and tips of...
Gli elettrodi di Tungsteno T.I.G. - Tecnista

Tungsten electrodes T.i.g.

elettrodiAlessandro Dose
In collaboration with Harris Calorific Lincoln Group The electrodes are conductive elements: connect an external electrical circuit with a means w...
Acquisto di una saldatrice: l’importanza del duty cycle, quello vero - Tecnista

Purchase of a welding machine: the importance of the Duty Cycle, the real one

Come leggere duty cycleAlessandro Dose
You are in the first weapons and want to buy a welding machine, for example at electrode. Start to inform you via friends, internet, supermarket s...
Cos’è la saldatura TIG - Tecnista

What is TIG welding

Saldatura TIGAlessandro Dose

Tig welding, what is it? It is a type of welding thatTake advantage of the heat delivered by an electric arc that is generated between the material from welding and a tungsten electrode infusable.

Generally the use of the procedure is indicated to weld thin thicknesses to avoid excessive overheating of the material and therefore its deformation.