Riduttore di pressione per gas di saldatura: cos’è e come usarlo senza danni

If you are often struggling with welds, you know how much this work requires so much manual skills, accuracy and Adequate equipment.

The first tool you need is undoubtedly the gas cylinder to generate the inert atmosphere during the melting of the metal. But this is not enough for a good welding. The gas pressure must be adjusted depending on the specific work.

How to do? You need a pressure reducer. Let's see what it is and how to avoid damage and breakage.

What is a pressure reducer?

It is a used tool - as the word itself says - To reduce the high pressure of the gas contained inside a gas cylinder.

In a typical rechargeable cylinder for welding, gas, such as argon, it is compressed at 200 bar. A necessary condition because the gas can be contained by a cylinder.

Pressure reducers allow withdraw the compressed gas and get it out at the right pressure for welding.

It should be clarified that, while welding as an application example, pressure reducers can be used in many other sectors.

How does a pressure reducer work?

The pressure reducer has a mechanism inside that allows you to manage the gas flow. In practice it is composed of one membrane that opens and closes to adjust the pressure Necessary in the processing process.

Two elements cannot be missed in a pressure reducer:
gauge - Report the pressure inside the cylinder
Flowmeter or pressure gauge - Report the pressure delivered outside, specifically the liters per outgoing minute.

99% of the failures that usually take place are due to an incorrect management of one of the fundamental processes for the use of the cylinder, or its opening.

Pressure reducers have a valve inside them (overpressure valve), which allows, in the case of abrupt pressure increases by the cylinder, to send the vent outside and prevent it from breaking.

There are times when the pressure is so high - for example when the cylinder is open suddenly - which does not even this valve can withstand pressure load and the reducer splits inside.

However, damage, however, avoid. Without spending money, beyond the cost of the reducer, it is possible maintain integrates the valve and consequently the reducer itself. As? Just have a little care.

How to use a pressure reducer?

The process of opening the gas, therefore, is that action that allows to prevent defects and damage.

What is the correct process? According to the Harris, a leader in the production of pressure reducers, for optimal use it is good to follow these steps:

  • Keep the cylinder and reducer always closed before starting welding or the processing in question
  • Open the cylinder slightly, avoiding having a great sudden flow of gas
  • Open the reducer
  • Proceed with welding or with yours Specific processing
  • Finished work, Close the reducer pressure
  • Close the cylinder.

Closing the reducer before and seconds the cylinder, could remain a little gas in the reducer.

Gas can be used on the next occasion, or Downloaded immediately by reopening the reducer. The higher the fastest opening will be downloaded. Once downloaded, the reducer must be closed.

It is good practice, after use, Unhook the reducer from the cylinder, for a matter of security.

These simple notions can Avoid a lot of losses In terms of money and time, as well as eliminating the problem of any shipments in assistance or replacement of the piece.

The rule from which to start is to do things calm and order so as to maintain each instrument to maximum efficiency and guarantee him one Long lasting over time.

And what do you think of this tool? Don't forget to write to us for any doubt or in-depth.

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Or if you miss a pressure reducer you can find it in our collection of welding pressure reducers. CLICK HERE

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