Cos'è la brasatura

We mention directly from WikipediaBecause we didn't find anyone who explains him more quickly and clear about this sentence: "The brazing consists in connecting metal pieces with the aid of a contribution metal without the fusion of the pieces to be assembled. The contribution metal penetrates by capillarity between the pieces to be assembled."

Brasing can be:
a) sweet, temperature below 450 ° C
b) strong, temperature above 450 ° C

Which gases can be used for brazing?
Acetylene, propane, methane, mixtures of propane and butane, hydrogen.

Which torches are used?
Generally it is used oxygen with acetylene or oxygen with propane, methane or propane and butane mixtures.
Normally the acetyl has a faster heat capacity thanks to the best combustibility, so it is particularly suitable for repeated and frequent ignition. The oxygen combination and other gas is more suitable for continuous use.

Fields of application:
a) on very different thicknesses as other types of welding (autogenous or arc) can deform the thinner thickness
b) Not homogeneous joints. The molten material can flow into the cavities filling them and adapting to the irregularities.
c) Metals with different fusion points.

What is the correct temperature to use?
The temperature is that of the contribution material which is normally lower than the support material.

The preheating of the piece to be welded is advisable?
In some cases it is very useful because ease the accession process.

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