La manutenzione delle apparecchiature collegate a bombole (riduttori di pressione, cannelli, valvole) - Tecnista

Is it possible to do maintenance pressure reducers? Of the torches? And valves?
The answer is yes! As long as it is carried out by the producer or authorized workshop.
The 2016 standard 11627 has precisely and unequivocally established the terms and methods of verification, control, maintenance, repair and replacement of the equipment connected to the valley of the gas cylinders or places taken.
In summary periodic checks must be carried out by those who use the equipment or by those in charge of checking. These checks consist of visual control of the integrity of the equipment, the lack of losses, the perfect functioning of the control and drive organs and the perfect connection of the connections.

When do you do?
At each gas cylinder change regarding the reducers and valves, pipes and quick fittings. Annually for the torches.

Instead the periodic revisions established by law?
For the Pressure reducers Every 5 years after commissioning, as well as for the safety valves and rapid fittings. In the event of a flame return they must be replaced immediately.

Also Cannelli They must be overhauled within 5 years.

Speech apart from pipes. The date reported concerns the year of production. The deadline starts from commissioning. In the case of heavy construction sites it is established in 3 years while for a normal use the period is 5 years.
In the case of cracks, flame returns or early wear they must necessarily be replaced even if the 3 or 5 years if you don't use it often.

The aforementioned information is indicative of the content of the UNI 11627 standard and do not have the presumption of exhaustiveness. For more details we recommend consulting the full text of the legislation that can be found in specialized libraries or UNI site.


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